There’s Strength

In Every Cent

Join the Founders’ Circle

Joining the Founders’ Circle sends a powerful message of community and solidarity and affirms your commitment to abortion access guided by Jewish values and beliefs.

At a time when Jews are feeling isolated and alone and abortion rights are under attack, joining the Founders’ Circle shows solidarity with Jews and non-Jews alike in supporting access to abortion and reproductive health.

The Founders’ Circle

  • $15,000 or above


  • $10,000


  • $5,000


  • $2,500


  • $1,000


  • Other


Stick With Us

By setting up a recurring donation, you become a steadfast partner in the fight for abortion access. Your consistent support allows us to plan ahead, expand our reach, and provide reliable assistance to those who need it most.


  • We prioritize transparency and efficiency. Your donation directly funds abortion care, and we work to minimize administrative costs to maximize impact.

  • Your donation provides financial relief to those seeking abortions.

    In 2020, abortion funds disbursed nearly $9.5 million to callers needing financial support to pay for their abortion; we know the need is real!

  • You can easily set up a recurring donation on our website. Recurring donations provide us with a steady stream of support, allowing us to plan and expand our services more effectively.

  •  Great! We’d love to chat with you. Please complete our brief contact form and indicate that you’re interested in hosting a fundraiser.

  • One of the most powerful ways an abortion fund receives support is through word of mouth. Please share information about the Red Tent Fund with your networks and communities.

  • We can’t speak to the outcomes of a specific donation for reasons that include privacy and being efficient with your generous support, but we will be sharing the impact of the Red Tent Fund through annual reports so you can see your impact and stay connected with our mission.

  • Yes, we are a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit.

Stand for Accessible Abortion Care